About us
Welcome to Maylandsea Bay Sailing Club
Club Facilities
Maylandsea Bay Sailing Club was founded in 1930s and was formally known as Maylandsea Bay Yacht Club until the turn of the century. The clubhouse on the site has been of many types, including a floating clubhouse, until the current brick building was built and opened in 1966.
The current club offers a bar and social area upstairs, with a covered veranda offering uninterrupted views of the local sailing waters and countryside. The upstairs gives a good view of the sailing area for those who want to watch in the comfort of the warm in the winter months.
Maylandsea Bay Sailing Club has a full seasonal programme for Dinghies with joint handicap racing with our neighbouring club H(B)SC Keelboat racing, Cadet/short course racing, Training, Kayaking, Paddle boarding and Windsurfing. Added to this we have our very sociable regatta week Maylandsea Bay Week
Dinghy Racing
Dinghy sailing remains a core Club activity, and we join forces with our neighbours Harlow (Blackwater) Sailing Club for all dinghy races. This means we get bigger fleets and hence better racing, and halves the race management (Race Officers and Safety Boats). Half of the races start and finish at each Club, as indicated by the Start Venue in the Programme of Events. Courses are communicated between Clubs in a dinghy racing WhatsApp group. There is no Entry Fee for most dinghy racing at Maylandsea, but for Open Events (where visitors from other Clubs are invited) entry fees should be paid at the time of entry
cruiser sailors at the Club, most of which operate from moorings administered by the Club, some are based at the local marina. Most activity is with individual cruisers doing their own thing, but there are occasional Club cruises, and some participate in races run by the Blackwater Joint Racing Committee (BJRC).
Training/Coached Racing
Training at MBSC is focussed on helping novices to sail around a short course, gradually progressing to racing; and also helping those with more experience with racing techniques. This year, in addition to 8 Saturday Training days, there will be a 3 day Boot Camp in the week before Easter. The Training WhatsApp group will provide more details. The programme also includes 3 Novice Race Days later in the year where skills learned during training can be put into practice.
Many of the trainees will be cadet members, and we need help from the parents of those cadets to make the sessions work. This includes manning the safety boats, starting and finishing races, as well as launching and recovering boats. With that in mind, the programme includes 3 days in early Spring which are dedicated to training in the operation of safety boats, the Club winch, and how to run races.
The Kayak section continues to be a great success at the Club. The Programme of Events includes one organised kayak event every month, but enthusiastic paddlers are out on an informal basis whenever the tide allows. Paddlers explore all corners of the local creeks and inlets, as well as venturing out onto the Blackwater Estuary visiting Maldon, Bradwell, Mersea Island and everywhere between.
We have an enthusiastic group of open water swimmers who have joined the Club as a base for their activity. Like kayakers, swimmers can be seen on a daily basis making good use of the Club facilities as well as the open but safe water at the Club. Even in mid winter!
The Club provides facilities for members to participate in their sport, and just as importantly it provides an environment to chat about it afterwards. There are few better places to be than sitting with good friends on the Club balcony with a drink in hand watching the sun setting as the tide goes out after a good day on the water. To avoid the need to drive home afterwards, the Club allows overnight camping in the west dinghy park. The upstairs bar is well stocked, and available to all members whenever a Duty Officer is shown on the Programme of Events, as well as most Saturday evenings throughout the year. Watch out for details on the Club WhatsApp groups. Once a month, we plan to take this one step further by organising a social event. The dates can be seen in the Programme of Events, and the format of each event will be publicised via the Club newsletter.
Last updated 18:01 on 5 March 2025